What we do
Here's some work we've helped fund so far ...

Faroe Islands - the connected nation
"Without SIF funding, the film I've just made with Al from @PhantomPower simply wouldn't have happened. Not just because we would have lacked the cash to plan, travel, eat, film, edit and distribute Faroes; the connected nation but because we would also have lacked the recognition, belief and encouragement needed to keep going. Independence supporters are well used to working with next to nothing and living on thin air. That makes us fairly efficient operators, but it also limits scope, ambition and achievement. With the first SIF-funded film under our belt, Al and myself have been able to demonstrate what we can do, and raise new money via crowd-funding for a full series of #Nation films about our successful wee European neighbours. The SIF is a sympathetic, accessible, indy-friendly fund -- a wee godsend tackling the massive imbalance in funds available to supporters of an independent Scotland."
- Lesley Riddoch, Journalist & Broadcaster

Independence Ambassador Programme
"SIF is a great idea and much needed at this stage in the new drive towards independence. The grassroots movement got off to a slow start before the 2014 referendum, but SIF grants are helping get local Yes groups and initiatives off the ground, refreshing our grassroots campaign infrastructure - putting us in a better position to win next time.
"BfS has several major projects launching in the next few months which will all be self sustaining after the launch and SIF therefore with a small seeding donation helped with the upfront costs allowing us to accelerate our campaigning preparedness."
- Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp, Business for Scotland

The Gathering
"The National Yes Registry held its first Gathering in Stirling in late May, attended by 350 committed Yessers with representation from over 100 pro-Yes campaigning organisations. This was a financially risky exercise and we might not have proceeded without SIF's help and support in underwriting a good portion of the anticipated costs. The grassroots have now collectively explored 21 campaign areas with 5 major action themes to pursue, each of which should help the overall Indy campaign - more on this later!
We need events like The Gathering to get the grassroots campaigns growing in the run-up to the next Referendum. SIF is there to help nurture those grassroots. We appreciate their help so far, and the prospect of future funding for our work as we build up to success in the next Scottish Independence Referendum campaign." - Jason Baird/ Edward Smith, National Yes Registry
... and there's lots more like this needing your support for us to win Independence. You can join us as a Supporter HERE